You were planned for God's pleasure. If you understand the truth, that living for God's pleasure is the primary purpose of your life, you will never feel insignificant. It means you're worth and valuable to God.
"Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is called WORSHIP". If you don't worship God, you will end up consciously or subconsciously worship something else; because worship is a universal urge, hard wired or into every fibre of our being. Its an inbuilt need God put into us to connect with him.
Worship is often misunderstood to refer to a certain style of music. Worship is not the style, volume or speed of the song. Its more than music, if it was then all who are non musical would never worship.
There is nothing like Christian music; there are only Christian lyrics. Its the words that make the song sacred not the tune. Worship is not for you, its for God.
Worship is not part of you, its not just in the church service. Worship is entirely your LIFE.
Every activity (prayer, scripture reading, singing, reading, offertory, baptism, greeting, giving a hand, good character etc) can be transformed into an act of worship, if you do it for the glory of God. The secret to a life style of worship is doing everything as if you're doing it for Christ.
So take your daily, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going to work and place it before God as an offering. It will become worship when you live with an awareness of his presence.
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