I have always wanted to read this book which has been on the shelf for sometime, but for some unknown reasons, I could not get myself to do it. Three days ago, I finally got on top of this procsination with KO punch. Since it took me a lot of time and energy to deliver this killer punch, sharing the progress of my daily read is the only way to ensure that i don't fall back.
The Purpose Driven Life is not any book, its a guide to a spiritual journey unto the discovery of the purpose of life, intended to be a daily inspiration with each of the 40 short chapters read on consecutive days. Each chapter contains a personal application section at the end with a "point to ponder," a verse to remember, and a question to consider over the course of that day.
Join me on my 40 days devotion through this book as I pick up from day 4.
You were made to last forever. Life on earth is just a practice workout before the actual game. Its preparation for the next, after death.
The reason we feel we should live forever and why death seems unfair, is the inborn instinct to live for eternity. This is so because God designed us in his image.
When you live in light of eternity, your values change. You use your time and money wisely, you place a higher premium on relationship and character instead of fame, achievements or wealth. You handle every relationship, task or circumstances differently. Suddenly many of your goals or even problems that seemed so important will appear trivial and petty.
The closer you live to God, the smaller everything else appears.
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